Тег: "y-dart _project_"

Ready projects of demountable ARCHINOMA houses


Readiness: Built and tested in action at the Black Sea coast. Manufactured in Crimea.

Construction type: Bio-Archinoma. Assembled without any foundation footing.

Function: Beach houses for recreation at seaside. Swinging house. Aerial castle. Aroma steam bar. Herbal teahouse. BIO-capsule. Renewable energy. Nomad habitation >>>

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Readiness: Ready for embodiment guest house, that stands on one pivot.

Construction type: Archinoma. Equilibrium at one vertex is reached thought the instrumentality of a special joint underground.

Function: Guest house for chat and recreation in the open air. Terrace surrounded with commodious hammocks. Y-Carrier spatterdock sways lightly in the breeze, to help feeling when wind changes >>>

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Readiness: Ready for embodiment multiroom aerial campus.

Construction type: Archinoma.

Function:  Multilevel aerial campus Y-DART for life and leisure in the open air. It also serves for beautification of infrustructure when fetivals, holidays or other events take place. Living area is situated in several metres above the ground. Spacious guest verandas are surrounded with commodious hammocks. Pyramids for sleep >>>

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